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What and Who
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What is Social Prescribing? 

Social prescribing involves a trusted referrer connecting a person to a link worker, who acts as a resource while the individual creates  their own personalised plan, identifying opportunities and avenues for enrichment to enhance their quality of life.

Who is Social Prescribing for?

Social Prescribing can benefit everyone!


Many circumstances can contribute to greater need for this type of intervention, including:

  • Living with social isolation, depression or anxiety

  • Living with multiple health conditions (comorbidity) or disability

  • Aging and other life stage transitions

  • Pre-existing mental health conditions

  • Significant life events and trauma

  • Lengthy recovery from injury

  • Living with cultural or language barriers

Social Prescribing addresses
Social Determinants of Health

An infographic depicting the Social Determinants of Health
The benefits
Woman Walking Outdoors

What are the benefits?

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Empowering people living

with chronic conditions to  
manage their lives

Aligns with patients' 
interests and goals

Person-centred model
Holistic needs assessment

Increases skills and
work readiness

Decreased feelings of loneliness
Improved mental health 
Sense of community belonging


Increased social and 
community connections

Rediscovering new or past
interests, skills and talents

Increased confidence, 
capabilities and relationships

Addresses Social
Determinants of Health

Increased health
education and literacy

Supports existing community
services and resources

Reduces burden on
hospital and GP services

How it works

How does it work in action?


fits in the

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Following an accident Corey underwent shoulder reconstruction, hip replacement and several hernia operations. 

Corey lost his job as an arborist – he felt frustrated, disappointed and lost. 

 Corey was becoming very isolated and depressed as he could no longer participate in fun activities, including speed climbing, that he used to enjoy doing with his family and a regular climbing group.

Case Study: Corey

photos of Corey and family with quote "I can see an end point and feel better about my recovery"
Photo of Corey

With the help of his Link Worker, Corey was supported to explore his interests and connect to local community groups.

Corey joined art, social and relaxation groups, which helped him to connect with new people to increase his social network, as well as to support the development of new family activities.


Corey’s Link Worker also guided him in developing a positive structure to his week, so much so that he now looks forward to what each new week brings.

He found that having a Link Worker and meeting new friends meant that he had people on his side who listened and cared. 

“I do things now that I like to do. Rather than only the things I have to do, such as medical appointments”

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Australian Social Prescribing Institute of Research and Education

✆ +61 2 8599 2610

Suite 6, Level 4 12 Foveaux Street , Surry Hills, NSW 2010

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