Well Together ™
COVID-19 중 서로 지원

더 나은 건강과 웰빙을위한 공동체로 일하기
Who is Social Prescribing for?
Social Prescribing is available to anyone over 18, including:

• People facing issues including:
- housing
- financial issues
- food security
- domestic violence
- lack of physical exercise
- lack of access to aged care or disability supports
• People from CALD communities
• Isolated people
• Injured workers
• Elderly people
What are the benefits?

*Feelings of loneliness decreased by 49%
Mental health improved by 12%
Sense of community belonging increasing by 16%
Empowering people living
with chronic conditions to
manage their lives
Increased social and
community connection
new or past interests,
skills and talents
Increased confidence,
capabilities and relationships
Aligns with patients'
interests and goals
•*(stats from Rx: Community – Social Prescribing, 2018 to 2020, the Alliance for Healthier Communities)
How does it work in action?
Here are 3 examples of social prescribing programs running in Australia: